Indiana Rotary clubs offering a $40,000 Global Scholarship

Indiana Rotary clubs are accepting applications for a $40,000 All-Indiana Global Grant Scholarship that will enable a scholar to study one to four years in a graduate program at any qualified university outside North America.

The 2025-26 program is open to students who have graduated – or will graduate by May 2025 – from a four-year Indiana college -- or who maintain a legal residence in Indiana – and who plan to pursue graduate-level studies at an overseas university.

The program supports exceptional scholars dedicated to pursuing a career in an area of great humanitarian need and who demonstrate a long-term commitment to measurable, sustainable change. Scholars must present a plan of study and a career commitment that align with one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus.

The $40,000 global grant scholarship is funded through $8,000 in DDF (District Designated Funds) from each of the three districts with $16,000 from The Rotary Foundation’s World Fund.

Global Grant Scholar Qualities – A successful applicant:

  • Possesses excellent leadership skills and potential
  • Has a proven record of success in his/her academic field or vocation
  • Demonstrates a personal commitment to community service
  • Has well defined and realistic educational and career goals
  • Has concrete ideas as to how he/she will advance in his/her chosen career
  • Is sincere about maintaining a lifelong relationship with Rotary after the
    scholarship year

Questions? Contact Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs Bob Morrison & Dwight Thompson at

Application deadline: December 20, 2024.