2020-21 Scholar Clarice Cross

2020-21 Clarice Cross
Waseda University, Tokyo

Undergraduate school/major:  IU Media School, Journalism and East Asian Languages and Culture 

Grad school/major:  Waseda University, Tokyo, International Development

Host club:  Tokyo Tamagawa, District 2750

Area of focus:  Peace and conflict prevention/resolution

More about Clarice: After receiving her degree, she hoped to work for the U.S. Embassy in one of the Japan offices or the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Thailand.

During her years as a scholar, Clarice’s experience was affected by Covid, and she ended up taking her classes from her apartment over Zoom.

In spite of the Covid situation, Clarice volunteered to serve Tokyo’s homeless population.

Her master’s thesis:  “Perceptions, Barriers and Opportunities of Drones as Assistive Technology for Natural Disaster Response and Management in Japan: A Qualitative Case Study.” 

Current job:  Austin, Texas